Kao u horor filmu

Velika bijela ajkula presrela ronioca

  • 05.11.2019. 07:34

Zahvaljujući ovom roniocu, ljubitelji morskih životinja mogu znati šta znači biti oči u oči sa jednom od najstrašnijih morskih životinja na sijvetu.

Kada ronilac uroni u vodu u ogromnim dubinama, vidljivost opada do neočekivanih krajnosti. To je bio faktor koji je omogućio ovoj velikoj bijeloj morskoj nemani da se iznenada pojavi.

Srećom, njihov susret se dobro završio, jer se morski pas toliko uplašio kada je video čojveka, da nije pokazao interesovanje da ga napadne. 


😱 Happy Halloween From The Bottom of The Sea! 🦈 🎃 Video courtesy of @gopro FOLLOW us @creatures_of_the_deep_ for more like this! In a scene straight out of a horror movie, a diver finds humans face-to-face with one of the most feared creatures in the planet! When you are in the water, visibility is rarely such that you can see that far. That allowed the shark to ambush this diver! Thankfully, despite this being terrifying for us humans, the shark was not interested in attacking him. The body language of the shark was that of curiosity, bumping and investigating the unfamiliar thing, rather than attacking a perceived prey. Still, even with that knowledge, looking down into the depths and seeing a Great White is definitely unnerving! Happy Halloween!

A post shared by Creatures of the Deep (@creatures_of_the_deep_) on Oct 31, 2019 at 10:09am PDT

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